Friday, May 15, 2009
Waterboarding Witch Hunt
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Hlthcr (sorry didn't have enough cash to buy the vowels)
America... you're getting gRaped by healthcare costs...
It is time to take a stand and talk about health care reform. The current system isn't working. With 40 million + Americans (depending on which talk show/radio show you are listening to) without health care. That's simply unacceptable. Even if you believe in a system without governmental support, shouldn't health care be a real possibly for any individual with a job? Many American are working in positions where they cannot get full time employment, but yet work 35+ hours a week (sometimes working jobs, both of which are not considered full time). So how do we offer these people coverage? If you don't want to hear this sob story, maybe its time to get financial and take a look at how the system in place cripples small and medium businesses, especially those that try and compete against international firms. We are battering our own business with the burdens of cost that are growing to fast for businesses' to absorb them. WE NEED CHANGE. Hopefully my grand reader base can make some suggests and spur some debate on what that change can be. Go.